One of the most unique flowers in the south, naturally occurring Mimosa trees are often seen creating a beautiful light pink dusting along tree-lined highways through South and North Carolina. The Mimosa is the more beautiful cousin of the Acacia trees of Africa. Bred to not have the long spikes that deter giraffes from feasting on their soft ferny leaves but retain the soft brushlike flowers, Mimosa trees create a gentle shade and attract a variety of butterflies and hummingbird in the spring.
If a specific size is desired, but not one of the options, custom sizing is available for only the metal and canvas materials. For this, please email us with the name of the piece, the specific size and specify either metal or canvas. We will respond as soon as available with the price of the piece in the specified size and material. When ordering the Standout Bamboo material option please be sure to specify the desired color.