If you didn't know already, a cairn is the proper name for those carefully balanced rock towers one can see cleverly built in various places. This image, in particular, is said to be on a cliff because the green countryside you see just past the stone tower is actually miles away and over 1,000 stair steps down a sheer cliffside. This cairn was photographed at the 12th century chapel, Notre Dame de Beauvoir, in Moustiers Sainte Marie, France. A monastery carved high into sheer cliffs by monks to escape the crusades. It is said that humans have sought shelter in these caves since 30,000 BC. It is a site of pilgrimage as the village is known as one of sacred character and the chapel itself is many many flights of hand cut stone steps on a jagged mountainside above the village.
If a specific size is desired, but not one of the options, custom sizing is available for only the metal and canvas materials. For this, please email us with the name of the piece, the specific size and specify either metal or canvas. We will respond as soon as available with the price of the piece in the specified size and material. When ordering the Standout Bamboo material option please be sure to specify the desired color.